Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week... um... is it 3?

It felt like this week flew by!

My week has been alright. Really tiring, though. And, to top it off, I'm coming down with something. I have I really bad cough and I just feel lousy.

I am not looking forward to doing homework.

I would write more, but I'm really not feeling well, I just need to go lie down....

Please pray for me!!



Tori said...

praying! I love you! hang in there. You've got people praying for you. God has you there for a reason; keep on keeping your eyes open for it! <3 Your sista

Caitlin said...

Hey Emily!
I'm praying for ya!
BTW, I diligently keep up with everything you write (I'm finding it all very interesting :]) in your blog and I think what you're doing is awesome!!
I hope this week is fantabulous.

Becca12212 said...

Hey Em! i will def. be praying for ya! i'm glad to hear that your first year in public school is going well! you are highly missed at KAT! love you dear!

Unknown said...

hey emeelee.

love you cakes. you are amazing.

sarita gerbita

Anonymous said...

Well, that post is probably better than anything I used to post. I hope you get all of your homework done. Oh, and feel better too I suppose. ;)