Saturday, October 11, 2008

Oh Alarm Clock, where art thou?

So, school starts at 7:50

Guess when I woke up yesterday?

Yep, you got it, 7:50.


It was so freaky. I just laid there for a couple seconds waiting to wake up. Then I realized that kinda wasn't going to happen.

I woke up Dad (because I figured he could get me there the fastest) and we rushed over to the school. I went to my grade office and amazingly they gave me a note excusing my tardiness, but apparently Mr. Armitage didn't like it, cause he was like, shaking his head and stuff when he was reading it. Man, he was in such a bad mood that day. He kept going on about how horrible we are, and like, only 12 out of 26 people did the homework he had assigned us, which is a good reason to be mad. But he kept talking about how he can't be expected to teach us stuff when we don't turn in homework and we're not on time, and how we're totally wasting his time, when, you'll notice, he kept wasting his own time by lecturing us on the wrong stuff as opposed to Chemistry.
Did I ever say he was my favorite teacher? Ha, ha, well just kidding. If he hadn't gone on about it I probably wouldn't have cried, like I didn't go all out but he was really pushing it. I didn't fully recover from the risk of crying till like 3rd hour.

The rest of the day was just long. 6th and 7th hour were shortened because we had a pep assembly. We fought or nemesis, Portage Central, last night. I didn't go because I was already planning on sleeping over at a friend's house.
Hmmmm I wonder if we won or not... I should probably find out


1 comment:

Lauren said...

Oh, Em, sorry about your bad day...I'm glad you got through. I hope everything is going okay for you now. Keep writing! (I like reading :)
