Oh, I'm happy!!!
The amazing Anne Stowe married Mr. Mike popped-up-out-of-nowhere Carr. :-D
The wedding was fun, I'm so glad I was able to be there! I went with the briefly reunited Tori and Peter. :-)
After the reunion during the meal, Tori and Pete were put with 3 newly married couple... hehe. I was at the table with Bethany, Arianna and Zach Lutes, Whitney Dennison, and Josh Moxon (who never actually sat down, he was taking pictures the whole time). It was lots of fun, and made me realized once again how much I miss homeschoolers!!!
I actually am seriously considering skipping school on some future Thursday to go to HPA rehearsal... hopefully soon! Or maybe they'll have to close school on a Thursday because of a construction error or the weather or something...!

On a different note, guess what came the other day at school for me! My school picture CD... FINALLY!
Hi, Emily!
I've been keeping up with your blog, and you have a much more interesting life than me. Keep on writing!
I'm glad you had fun at the wedding and you should just skip school because, well just because it's school. lol Nice picture by the way.
Wow, there I am...on your blog. That's kinda freaky to just be surfing along and then *wham* there we are. Okay, maybe it's kinda cool.
He did just show up out of nowhere, didn't he? LOL
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