HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I've decided that instead of trying to stick with one topic, I'm going to write down whatever I want the world to know.
1. If you have never seen the movie Cats Don't Dance, go watch it right at this moment on YouTube (the entire movie is there[WHOOPS illegal?.... too bad!] )
It is definitely one of my favorite cartoon movies from my childhood (like I'm not still a child or something, heh). It's just a fun cartoon, not expected to become a big success, but just something out there simple and sweet.
It is good.
2. I've recently decided that I really like Ben Folds. In fact, I'm going to listen to him right now. I like the piano in his songs, & I like his songs.... I also like Five For Fighting.
3. In fact, I really like Sufjan Stevens, too. He was born in MI (brownie points), & has a really recognizable voice, & has a whole album about Michigan (currently one of my favorite albums in general), & he is a musical genius. =]
4. Pandora is great. Especially the itouch app. I have a QuickMix with many wonderful stations on it: "You Are Loved (Don't Give Up) - Josh Groban" radio ; Josh Groban radio ; Death Cab For Cutie radio ; Regina Spektor radio ; Sufjan Stevens radio ; & Alan Menken radio.
5. You know, if there's someone, possibly suffering from road rage, tailgating you or in some other way dangerously trying to overtake you, don't block him. Seriously. Are you there to teach him a lesson? No. You are trying to get from A to B safely. Swallow your pride. Let him pass. The end.
6. This SHIFT KEY is being SOOO annoying.
I also feel dyslexic while typing.
7. Okay, I just listened (on Pandora) to an Ingrid Michaelson song called Give Up, and now a song from Postal Service is playing, & the name of the album its on is called Give Up.
8. I'm wearing an American Eagle sweater right now, & as I'm looking at my hands I feel ridiculously like a girl from my school who is the epitome of a popular girl, and it is making me uncomfortable... oh well, I love the sweater.
9. So I really want to go see the movie 9. It's an animation but not meant for kids, because there's some scary content in it, apparently....
10. AHH!! Josh Groban is on Pandora right now, OH MY WORD, THANK YOU JESUS FOR VOICES!!!! LIKE JOSH GROBAN'S!!!!! He is my favorite singer in the WORLD.
I am SUCH a sucker for good voices.... gahhhh =]
11. Returning to 9, it's a full-length movie inspired by a short the director made, & Tim Burton saw it and pretty much told him to make it a movie. I saw the short, and it's pretty interesting. I've heard reviews about it, and apparently the voices in the movie (coincidentally, 9 is voiced by Elijah Wood) totally ruin it; the short was silent, & I really liked that about it. So, we'll see how that goes. I might not even see it for a while.... anybody want to go with me sometime?
13. I wish I hadn't made my blog name be "Her Ever-Whirring Mind" and my URL be everwhirringmind.blogspot.com because, well, I don't really like it that much anymore.... Another reason, my mind really isn't "ever-whirring," actually it seemed kind of clogged most of the time.
14. Ugh. I want to live.
15. Listen to 100 Years by Five For Fighting.
16. I'm going to be 16 in April.... That is SO WEIRD to me, becuause it's making me realize that I'm growing up. I remember when I was 11/12/13 I used to think 15 was the best age, & I would be really cool then and life would be so much better. Nothing feels radically different, though. Kind of a bummer.... Oh well. I'm going to feel like an old woman when I'm 16. I'm not sure how much I'm looking forward to it, actually. I really want 15 to be my... I don't know... my best year, my memorable year, my magical year. *shrug*
17. Admit you didn't notice I skipped 12. Just admit it.
18. Life isn't fair. Get used to it.
19. Life.
20. Life is so full of...
The more I think about it, the more incomprehensible it is to me. There are computers, which are little less than magic to those of us who don't know the anatomy of them. Our whole world runs on them; if all types of computers were to crash, our world would collapse like a skyscraper with its foundation removed suddenly.
But then, there's the...

1 comment:
UGH!!! It cut off part of the photos!!!
I SPENT SO LONG ON THOSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHHHHH oh well
hopefully you get the point anyway
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