Saturday, September 27, 2008

Good Morning, Sunshine!

I think that yesterday was one of the best days of the year concerning school.

Though Chemistry and History were normal, in Algebra we simply went over the quiz from the other day (I got a B, and my class has the highest grade average out of the other three Mrs. Smith teaches- B+) and had the rest of the hour to ourselves.
I read the book we are assigned for Honors English: Life of Pi. Yeah, sounds promising, right? Actually it is fairly interesting. It's extremely well-written, of course. I've already passed the point where Mrs. Lindsay said we could stop at for now.

Anyway, in Design we had a substitute, so naturally we didn't learn anything. We just shaded something from a previous project assigned the other day.

In English we just made a giant "flashcard" of a word, drew a picture of it and wrote a sentence using the word. I had "demeanor." Fun, right? But it was an easy hour all the same.

In Health we listened to a guest speaker talk about The Ark, a place where kids can go if they can't stand to stay in their house anymore (because of fighting, etc)

And in Spanish we didn't do any Spanish at all, because we cleared out the cafeteria for the Homecoming dance. After we cleared that out there was a pep assembly (oh joy), which was so exhilarating. At least we didn't have to do any Spanish!

The best part? I don't think I have any homework. I need to double check, but even if I do have some, it'll be, like, a microscopic amount. :-)


O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

You have set your glory
above the heavens.

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,

the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:

all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,

the birds of the air,

and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.

O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!

(From Pslam 8)

(Images from

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Week... um... is it 3?

It felt like this week flew by!

My week has been alright. Really tiring, though. And, to top it off, I'm coming down with something. I have I really bad cough and I just feel lousy.

I am not looking forward to doing homework.

I would write more, but I'm really not feeling well, I just need to go lie down....

Please pray for me!!


Saturday, September 13, 2008

Week 2!

Well, I have survived my first full week, Monday through Friday, 8 to 3:00, of being public schooled. Pretty exciting... woohoo

I'll try to write down everything I can, but I honestly can't remember much.

Freshmen's homecoming US city was Juno, Alaska, but since nobody actually knew anything about Juno, Alaska, and they just liked it because of the recent movie called Juno, it was changed to Dallas, Texas.

I didn't get in Bye Bye Birdie. I'm pretty bummed about it, but it's alright; that means that I can start piano lessons, and I found out that I could do crew for BBB.
Besides, apparently freshman don't usually get in. There's always next year!

Homework hasn't been to hard yet. I have an average of about 30-45 minutes a day for all my classes. And really, the only classes I get homework for are Chemistry and Algebra, though I have two biggish papers for English and History.

For History I'm writing an essay on Levi Strauss and the invention of the blue jean. I figured that would be an easy one, because we use jeans everyday now, and they had obvious uses way back then. Did you know that the actual way they were invented is lost to the world? It burned up with the SanFran earthquake.

I should probably go now, even though I don't have much homework, I still need to what little amount that I have :-(


Friday, September 5, 2008

I've survived the first week of PNHS!

Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been updating... first week was pretty exhausting! I've been having to get up at 6am each day, as opposed to the usual 9-10am. Yeah. Huge change.

First day, Tuesday, there weren't any classes, but we got to check out all the clubs and stuff. It was only a half day.

The next day the real classes started, but we didn't actually cover anything, all the teachers just gave the rules of their classes, etc.

Since you're all probably curious, I'll give y'all the low-down on the teaches, yo (ok, I'm in weekend mode right now, please excuse the random bursts of abnormal word choices)

I'll give you the info on the teachers/classes in order of my schedule:

Chemistry, 1st hour: Believe it or not, this is actually my favorite class. My teacher, Mr. Armitage, is the funnest one in the whole day. Get this, to start off first day, he was like "I can teach you how to do... this" and lit his desk on fire. Then he put it out and there was no sign of damage to the desk. "But I'm not allowed to." It was very fun. And at the end of the class he took a huge trash can with a hole cut out in the bottom and a plastic bag-like thing that snaps back when you pull it, and filled the trash can with fog from a fog machine and shot it, making awesome rings of fog shoot out. It was super powerful, he aimed at a stack of papers made them fall over. Then he was like "let's see if I can get it across the room" and he shot it right at my face, and it totally took me by surprise. It was like "WHOOSH!"
Anyway, that was Chem! :-)

History, 2nd hour: History is alright, Mrs. Palmer's room is way too colorful for 2nd hour though. Plus she's really perky. Anyway, there really isn't much to say about this class. We're studying modern American history, from the Industrial Revolution to the present.

Algebra, 3r hour: Again, this class is alright. Mrs. Smith is nice, thank goodness. Bur actually, I don't think I'm going to be doing that badly in this class. Though we didn't do anything math-related on the first day, yesterday we did some math problems. And, though I knowit sounds incredibly nerdy (or homeschooler, take your pick), I actually enjoyed do math again. I do kinda like math that I understand fully....
Anyways, on to

Design, 4th hour: Design is actually in the middle school, on the other side of the parking lot. Which is fine now, but I'm not so hyped about that come winter-time. Anywho, the actual class is pretty fun, but it's more the technical stuff about art, learning names of stuff and things like that. Sometimes I wish that I had taken Dramatics, because I really miss Drama. But, I do like Design, too.

Honors English, 5th hour: Melissa's in this one! It's pretty fun I like it. Have you heard of Split-Hand Disease? It's when a person has unusual hands, such as missing a finger or something. Well, my teacher has a worse case of it than a missing finger, she only has three fingers. AOGG people, remember George Stowe? Her arms are exactly the same as his. I think it's so cool that she can still teach, even with her situation. She's really nice, I like her.

Lunch!!! By 5th hour my stomach is consistently, so Lunch is a beautiful thing. But oh my word, the main food line is sooo long!! And it was like a sauna! I'm so glad I'm not claustrophobic. Melissa and I only used it the first day. The other two days we just bought pizza/a sandwich from one of the smaller lines. They don't have as many choices, but it is a heck of a lot faster.

Health/Freshman Focus, 6th hour: This class is okay. Luckily I have some friends in it. We going to be taught various things about life, don't take drugs, don't procrastinate... etc.... fun stuff. The teacher's okay, too. I'm thinking that if she starts going into a rant, she'll really have a droning voice, though.

Spanish, 7th hour: We've finally reached the 7th hour class, after a weekend of me working on this darned post!! It's pretty fun. The teacher, Mrs. Alzaman (or Almazan, I can't remember) is pretty strict, but actually, once I think about it, she reminds me a lil of Mrs. Scranton. Not how she looks or anything, they look totally opposite, but how they talk and walk and move. Melissa's in this class, too, which is fun. But there's assigned seating so I can't sit by her.

Finally, the bus ride home, and rest.

So, I'm thinking that I'm going to be updating this every weekend, and I'll just write about my whole week. Unless there's something I want to shove in during the week.
I'm also going to try to schedule a specific time period for me to do this, so I won't procrastinate as much *guilty look*

Adios amigos!